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Admin-Dr.Pulley Spezialist

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Monday, January 30th 2012, 3:33pm

It is a pleasure for me to help you anytime!
Herzliche Grüße

Mr.Pulley/TechPulley Shop, Forum und Blog
Myroad 700i mit Dr.Pulley HIT Kupplung, FR Gleitrollen 26g und Gleitstücken



  • "eurotasos" started this thread

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Monday, January 30th 2012, 2:50pm

I will contact Paul and i `ll inform you for any developments in the matter.
Thank you very much for your patient and efforts, i really appreciate it.

Best regards.


Admin-Dr.Pulley Spezialist

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Sunday, January 29th 2012, 11:08pm

Hi Tasos,

I checked my 251701 in stock, they don`t have a pin like yours. ?( The only type which I found with this pins is the 251501 (for Yamaha), all other ones don`t have it.
I recommend to email to Paul and ask him about this matter. I am very sorry, but I cannot help you. For all my customers I would change the clutch immediately to solve the problem, but in your case you need to return the clutch to Taiwan, were you bought it. Please contact Paul before. Please keep me informed what happens.
Herzliche Grüße

Mr.Pulley/TechPulley Shop, Forum und Blog
Myroad 700i mit Dr.Pulley HIT Kupplung, FR Gleitrollen 26g und Gleitstücken


Admin-Dr.Pulley Spezialist

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Saturday, January 28th 2012, 9:35pm

I check it tomorrow and give you the information tomorrow evening after coming back home.
Herzliche Grüße

Mr.Pulley/TechPulley Shop, Forum und Blog
Myroad 700i mit Dr.Pulley HIT Kupplung, FR Gleitrollen 26g und Gleitstücken



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Saturday, January 28th 2012, 9:26pm


Yes it`s at every clutch shoe, all 4 .

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Admin-Dr.Pulley Spezialist

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Saturday, January 28th 2012, 9:23pm

Hi Taso,
this looks strange. This weekend we have a big Motorcycle exhibition and my samples are all there. But tomorrow morning I promise to check it immediately. Is this at all 4 springs or only at one of them?
Herzliche Grüße

Mr.Pulley/TechPulley Shop, Forum und Blog
Myroad 700i mit Dr.Pulley HIT Kupplung, FR Gleitrollen 26g und Gleitstücken



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Saturday, January 28th 2012, 6:19pm


The dumpers are all in place ....but i have discover something on the clutch.

Bellow the clutch shoe there is some kind off a pin that touches the spring (maybe damage it, there are some scratches on) ...!!!
I have compared my Hit clutch with fotos of 251701 on the internet and i didn`t find any similiar foto about that pins...

This is a view of my clutch....

Here is when this pin touches the spring ...!!!

Here is some foto on the net that there aren`t this pins in the clutch shoe....

Can you please compare with a clutch off your own ..??? ?(

Thank you very much you are very helpfull...



Admin-Dr.Pulley Spezialist

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Friday, January 27th 2012, 11:34pm

A sound like this I never heard anytime before. As I wrote already , a little click is normal. Paul is right, the HIT normally needs some 100 kilometers to run smooth, like a very new motor.I sold already many of the HIT clutches, there was only one time a problem with a 21170 for Vespa 300. The customer had a loud noise and he sent it back to me. Crazy: We tried this HIT in another Vespa and there was no problem!!
I believe there is a bigger problem with the clutch and you should ask Paul to check the clutch after sending it back to him. Sorry for this problems, but I have no idea what to do .

edit: There is just a friend with me and he recommends to remove all springs. Then open the weights carefully, there are little dumpers with small springs . Don`t loose them, but there should be some spare dumpers in the box.
Check this dumpers whether all 4 are in the correct position. Check the weights: Are they moving smooth? Fit the springs again and try onece more.
Herzliche Grüße

Mr.Pulley/TechPulley Shop, Forum und Blog
Myroad 700i mit Dr.Pulley HIT Kupplung, FR Gleitrollen 26g und Gleitstücken



  • "eurotasos" started this thread

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Friday, January 27th 2012, 3:24pm

Yes i have send it.
He is trying to be helpfull to.
But i don`t think that he knows what is causing the sound, at his last email he wrote to me " remain the original clutch spring and run a suitable time to see if the sound will be gone after the friction surface of clutch weight is fully matched with the bell"
I`m not sure that if i leave the clutch on my bike after a suitable time the sound will be gone, that`s the reason that i`m looking for a second opinion.
As you said they have the holiday for chinese new year so i have no news off Paul.
As a seller off Dr pulley have you seen a "defective" product before...?
?( Maybe that is the reason off the sound ..... :S



Admin-Dr.Pulley Spezialist

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Thursday, January 26th 2012, 10:48pm

Hi tasos,
251701 is correct. Did you sent the video with the sound directly to Taiwan (Paul Wu)? Perhaps he has an idea what happens there. But this week they have still chinese new year holiday, nobody is working...
Herzliche Grüße

Mr.Pulley/TechPulley Shop, Forum und Blog
Myroad 700i mit Dr.Pulley HIT Kupplung, FR Gleitrollen 26g und Gleitstücken



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Thursday, January 26th 2012, 6:32pm

Hello DDirk

Yes that`s the one (251701), i bought it direct from the factory Dr pulley in Taiwan. (I didn`t know about your eshop at that time)
I have even post a unboxing video on Youtube about the clutch....( )

The clutch had been installed with the preset springs (clutch spring of BK10kg & and pillow spring of YL-20kg)

That is the type of the clutch (251701) that other forum like ( ) is refering to. I`m a member in "" is a club for 3wheelers in Greece (Piaggio Mp3 & Gilera Fuoco) and the other members wait for my review for a group buy.
But after my report they are scared to use a Dr pulley Hit clutch.

I report it to you because you know a lot about them and you are the most experience person to answer for this situation.

Best Regards.


Admin-Dr.Pulley Spezialist

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Wednesday, January 25th 2012, 11:11pm

Hi Tasos,
some more questions:
Which HIT type did you buy? 251701? Did you buy it from me? I can`t find any order from you in my shop.
Which springs are installed for clutch and pillow?
I never heard about a problem like yours. A very light "click" is normal, when the push pins becomes activ. But not a "church bell" like yours.
I guess you bought a wrong type.
Herzliche Grüße

Mr.Pulley/TechPulley Shop, Forum und Blog
Myroad 700i mit Dr.Pulley HIT Kupplung, FR Gleitrollen 26g und Gleitstücken



  • "eurotasos" started this thread

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Wednesday, January 25th 2012, 8:09pm


Thank you for your response

It happens with all clutches which you tried ? Original, Polini, Pulley?

1) Only with Dr Pulley Hit clutch i have this sound, i have remove it from my bike and i installed the OEM (original) clutch and the everything is back to normal (no sound). ?(

Did you ask a mechanic from Piaggio? ........Can you see any scratches or other signs of a contact in the bell?

2) It was the first time that the mechanic installed a Dr Pulley Hit Clutch, he examine the clutch and the drum and he didn`t see any bad marks or scratches on them. ?(

And it happens, when the clutch linnings are getting contact with the bell?.... And it stopps after full contact and during driving?

3) Yes and yes.... ?(

Is it possible that the Hit Clutch needs time untill the friction surface of clutch weight is fully matched with the bell ???
?( ?( ?(

Have you seen something like that again...???

;( ;( ;(


Admin-Dr.Pulley Spezialist

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Wednesday, January 25th 2012, 6:33pm

Kalimera Eurotasos,
this sound really bad. Sounds like a church bell... ?( It happens with all clutches which you tried ? Original, Polini, Pulley?
Did you ask a mechanic from Piaggio?
And it happens, when the clutch linnings are getting contact with the bell? And it stopps after full contact and during driving?
Can you see any scratches or other signs of a contact in the bell?
Many questions, sorry.
Herzliche Grüße

Mr.Pulley/TechPulley Shop, Forum und Blog
Myroad 700i mit Dr.Pulley HIT Kupplung, FR Gleitrollen 26g und Gleitstücken



  • "eurotasos" started this thread

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Sunday, January 22nd 2012, 8:37pm

HELP with Dr pulley Hit clutch on Gilera fuoco

Hello ...
I need your help...!!!
I have install Dr pulley Hit Clutch on my Fuoco ... but when i open the throttle a listen a mettalic sound from the clutch drum ...

Left clik on the picture to play the video........

The sound is the same with the OEM clutch drum and the Polini clutch drum which i change to, and it is at the time that the clutch shoe engage the drum . ?( ?( ?(

It`s a very angly sound....the Hit clutch was installed with the preset springs and i have tryed to change the springs to harder but nothing happened, the sound remain....

PLEASE HELP....!!! ;( ;( ;(

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