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Mr loseth


  • "Mr loseth" started this thread

Posts: 2

Date of registration: Jul 19th 2019

wcf.user.option.userOption51: Marius Løseth Notte 300 HPE

Location: Elnesvågen

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Friday, July 19th 2019, 9:05am

TECH RULLE -FR Gts 300 HPE 2019

I have bought this:
TECH RULLE (FR) 21x17mm- 12,5g
I`m going to only change the rolles because the bike is brand new. but
Do i need to buy a spacer so the belt dont rubb on the oil seal on my new 300 hpe 2019?Do they have the same problem like the old 300 ? :rolleyes:


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