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2.9. Gallery

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2.9. Gallery

Edit image

The gallery offers you an easy way to share images with other users of this site.


Under Add images you can easily upload one or many images from your local machine. You can add additional information such as title or description. From the overview page you can access the detail page that just shows one image with all additional information. You have also the chance to read and write comments.

If you want to delete or edit your own images you just open the detail page of the image and find the related buttons. On the overview page you can move the cursor on an image and you will also see the edit and delete button.


Use albums to categorise your images. If you upload images of your last vacation for example it makes sense to mange them in an own album. Please note that images can be only assigned to one album.


Another way to group images are tags. They are more flexible than albums, because one image can have multiple tags. If you have photos with a sun from your last vacation just use the tag »sun«. You can then find easily all photos with a sun no matter in which album they are stored.


On the overview page that shows all images (e.g. of an album) you have the possibility to start a slideshow. The images will be presented large and one after another.

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BRATHAHN in D-21493
QUADFIRE in D-36355
RAYMAN282 in D-49196

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